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Application Components⚓︎

The previous page showed how to define the interface of services exposed by a data product. This page explains how to define the application components that implement these services.

Application Component⚓︎

Application components are internal components of a data product. This means that, while the interface components are publicly available on demand to all consumers, access to application components can be restricted.

All internal components of a data product are contained in the Internal Components Object, accessible through the internalComponents field in the root Data Product Descriptor Entity. Within this object, the field applicationComponents contains the list of all Application Components of the data product.

open-data-mesh descriptor components


An Application Component has the following two mandatory fields:

  • fullyQualifiedName (string:fqn): This is the unique universal identifier of the component. It MUST be a URN of the form urn:dpds:{mesh-namespace}:dataproducts:{product-name}:{product-major-version}:applications:{app-name}
  • version (string:version): This is the semantic version number of the data product's application component. The version of application components has no direct impact on the version of the data product they belong to. A change in the major version of an application component can anyway impact the version of one interface component and so indirectly the version of the data product.

Other non-mandatory descriptive fields like platform and applicationType are also available. Moreover, the Application Component can be extended with other fields with "x-" prefix as needed.


The following example shows three application components that respectively describe 1. an application that loads data from a downstream legacy system (i.e. TMS) in real-time to CDC technology (i.e. Debezium). 1. a streaming application that transforms the technical events loaded in the streaming platform (i.e. Confluent platform) by the previous application in domain events. a streaming application that uses the domain events generated by the previous application to update the trip status in a downstream table stored in a Postgres DB.

All three applications are deployed in eu-south-1 region of AWS Cloud.

    "applicationComponents": [
            "fullyQualifiedName": "",
            "version": "1.0.1",
            "description": "The app that offload the Trip aggregate from  TMS using CDC",
            "platform": "aws:eu-south-1:debezium",
        }, {
            "fullyQualifiedName": "",
            "version": "1.1.0",
            "description": "The app that transform tecnical events in domain events",
            "platform": "aws:eu-south-1:confluent",
        }, {
            "fullyQualifiedName": "",
            "version": "1.1.3",
            "description": "The app that store the updated state of a Trip in the target postgres db",
            "platform": "aws:eu-south-1:confluent",

The information provided so far are useful to track the application assets related to a specific data product. There is not anyway sufficient information to allow an external agent to build and deploy the application autonomously. To this end in the Application Component, there are the buildService and deploymentService fields that are described in much detail in the next sections.

Trip Execution Data Product Descriptor⚓︎

The Trip Execution Data Product is composed of three application components.

The following files contain the complete definition of these application components:

You can read it on GitHub or cut and paste its content to JSON Crack for more interactive visualization.


This page has shown that:

  • a data product is composed not only of its public interface but also of internal components
  • applications that implement the exposed interfaces are internal components described through an Application Component.
  • Application Component contains general information related to the specific application but also all the required information to build and deploy the application in an automatic and reproducible way.
  • the DPDS uses pipeline as code to define how to build and deploy an application but does not enforce the use of any particular CICD tool, preserving in this way its technology independence.

The next page describes the contents of the infrastructuralComponents field used to provide all the required information to provision the infrastructure required by application components that implement the services exposed by the product through its ports.