Extending the specification⚓︎
The Data Product Descriptor Specification (DPDS) can be customized to your needs in different ways. This page describes the key extension points provided by DPDS.
Use an external specification⚓︎
For all components of a data product descriptor documents that can be better defined by a dedicated specification or an existing standard, DPDS does not try to reinvent the wheel. It allows you to define the specific component using the external specification you prefer, even a custom one.
Through the Standard Definition Object it is possible to describe a component in a data product descriptor document, using an external specification or standard. These are the mandatory fields of the Standard Definition Object:
(string): The unique name of the specification used (ex. OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, DatastoreAPI, etc....)definition
(string or [Reference Object] or [External Resource Object]): The definition of the given component compliant with the specification defined in thespecification
Even if not mandatory it is RECOMMENDED to specify also the used specification version through the version
field. If this field is not specified the specification version MUST be included in the definition itself.
The Standard Definition Object can be extended with other fields with "x-" prefix as needed.
In the current release of DPDS the Standard Definition Object is used to define API of services exposed by the data product.
The following example shows an output port component that exposes streaming services and uses version 2.5.0 of AsyncAPI specification to define them.
"fullyQualifiedName": "urn:dpds:com.company-xyz:dataproducts:tripExecution:1:outputports:tripEvents",
"name": "tripEvents",
"displayName": "Trip Events",
"description": "This port exposes a *stream of events* related to the `Trip` entity",
"version": "1.2.0",
"promises": {
"platform": "westeurope.azure:confluent",
"serviceType": "streaming-services",
"api": {
"specification": "asyncapi",
"version": "2.5.0",
"definition": {
"mediaType": "text/json",
"$href": "https://github.com/opendatamesh-initiative/odm-specification-dpdescriptor/blob/main/examples/tripexecution/ports/trip-events-oport-api.json"
"externalDocs": {
"description": "The AsyncAPI v2.5.0 specification used to define the API of this port",
"mediaType": "text/html",
"$href": "https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/reference/specification/v2.5.0"
Adding custom fields⚓︎
Almost all components of a data product descriptor document can be extended with other fields with "x-" prefix as needed. The prefix is required to avoid possible conflict with future versions of the specification. Tools compliant with the specification CAN or CANNOT properly manage a custom field.